I am using the Retrofit module provided by Robospice. I am making asynchronous retrofit calls. The problem is that if my call is unsuccessful I get a Retrofit Error but in robospice I am getting the the feedback in onSuccess and not in onFailure(RobospiceException).
I am using the following code to execute my webservice call.
mSpiceManager.execute(mProfileRequest, new ProfileRequestListener());
The loaddatafromnetwork call in ProfileRequest is as follows:
public Profile loadDataFromNetwork() throws Exception {
//Adding a retrofit callback.
getService().getProfile("//profileid", new AbstractCallback<Profile>() {
public void success(Profile profile, Response response) {
super.success(profile, response);
ProfileRequest.this.profile = profile;
public void failure(RetrofitError retrofitError) {
return profile;
Can anyone let me know how can Robospice see get onFailure ? In simple words has anyone tried implmenting robospice with retrofit "Asynchronous calls"(With Retrofit callback implemented") ?
you should throw the RetrofitError in failure().