So my code works exactly like I want it to in the terminal, but I cannot get it to work in IDLE (that comes with homebrew) or PythonAnywhere.
I am getting an error later down the line when I try to call the data that should have been collected, but the function itself does not return an error.
def GetQuantityNDescription(orderID, itemNum):
payload = {'login_pass': 'password', 'login_user': 'user','submit':'go'} ## Log in Paramaters
r = requests.get(""+str(orderID), params=payload) ##Get Order Page
tree = html.fromstring(r.text) ## turn raw string into html tagged data
rawdata = tree.xpath('//*[@class="LargeBody"]') ## Get raw data found based on class LargeBody
quantity = []
description =[]
even = True
for item in rawdata: ## For each item in rawdata, add it to one of the following lists (always multiple of two)
#print item.text_content()
if even == True: ## First take quanity
even = False
else: ## Second take desciption
even = True
## Repeat
orderInfo = [quantity[itemNum-1], description[itemNum-1]]
print quantity[itemNum-1]
print description[itemNum-1]
return orderInfo
When I run it in in Terminal, rawdata returns [quantity item 1, description item 1, quantity item 2, description item 2, etc, etc]
When I run it in IDLE or PythonAnywhere, It returns [].
I am getting the error:
orderInfo = [quantity[itemNum-1], description[itemNum-1]]
IndexError: list index out of range
Any idea what could be the cause of this, or how I go about trouble shooting? I need to be able to run this outside of my terminal. Preferably on PythonAnywhere.
I am using:
Python 2.7.6
OS X 10.8.5
lxml ==3.3.6
and the free version of python anywhere
IDLE is using Python 2.7.6 (displayed on top of shell.)
Requests is using Python2.7 console 869203
Terminal is using Python 2.7.6 ($ python --version returns Python 2.7.6 )
My guess is that the different environments get different responses from the web site for whatever reason. Try printing the response before you parse it.