I'm following the approach in Two Scoops of Django: Best Practices for Django 1.6 regarding multiple settings files. I'm using Django 1.7 and virtualenvwrapper.
My setup is as follows:
I'm a bit confused as to how Django knows which settings file to use. I do not want to specify the settings file every time I run manage.py. I would rather like to set the DJANG_SETTINGS_MODULE environmental variable as explained in omouse anser here:
What confuses me is in the wsgi.py file there is a line:
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "{{ project_name }}.settings.production")
Is this file only used in the production server? What happens if I already have a DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environmental variable defined on the server?
When running it locally, I understand I need to set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE env variable every time I open the console. I've read here that I can define a postactivate hook in virtualenvwrapper. This hook will then create the environmental variables that I require everytime I activate the environment.
Is this the recommended way of ensuring the correct DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE env variable is loaded on my local machine? Would I also need to setup a similar file on my hosting server? I'm planning on using PythonAnywhere for hosting.
Lastly, if I run a staging server, how would I tell Django to load the staging settings file? The staging server is the practically the same as the production server, so I guess need a different wsgi.py file for the staging server, but that seems like a anti-pattern.
only sets the value if it is not set. When you run in production, export the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
and set it to your production/staging settings file, and you don't have to set anything when running in development (if you set it by default to your development settings). This is the DRY-est method.
The method with a local_settings.py
(which is most of the times kept out of the repo!) is not best practice and should be avoided.