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Can I add specific columns to all DataGrids without using code?

I know I can do this in XAML to add a column to a specific DataGrid.

<DataGrid x:Name="grid">

I also know that I can do the same in code.

DataGridColumn dwa = new DataGridCheckBoxColumn ();
grid.Columns.Add (dwa);

But is it possible to do this using XAML and apply it to all DataGrids? I can apply styles using a ResourceDictionary but I don't know about this.


  • Because the Columns property is readonly. So using a Style cannot set it (via Setter) as well as somehow add a DataGridColumn to it. That means you would be stuck that way. However there is a workaround, instead of using multi DataGrids in your window, you can just use multi Controls, then add some Style targeting Control type and set the Template to a DataGrid. Here is a simple example:

         <Style TargetType="Control">
           <Setter Property="Template">
                         <DataGridTextColumn Header="Name"></DataGridTextColumn>
                         <DataGridTextColumn Header="City"></DataGridTextColumn>
      <!-- use 3 controls instead of 3 DataGrids -->
      <Control Grid.Row="1"></Control>
      <Control Grid.Row="2"></Control>

    My advice is try building some view model, then you just need to assign the ItemsSource (which can be set via a Style Setter), of course that way we have to use the default AutoGenerateColumns feature of the DataGrid.