Trying to extract xml data from multiple string outputs dynamically (the data changes) into a column format.
About 100 of these XML bits echo out when I run a query against an SQL database.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Group>Cloud Services Client Delivery\Willis\Linux\Test - SJC</Group>
<MetaInformation />
<PortFowardingArray />
<Scripting />
And what I need is the and in a column format. And essentially where the hostname equal Hostname-H-A10D, I want to be able to match the D at the end and mark the First column with Dev, Q as Test and no letter at the end as Prod. So the output would look like -->
Dev Hostname-H-A10D
Dev Hostname-H-A11D
Prod Hostname-H-A12
Test Hostname-H-A13Q
I have played around with sed/awk/etc and not just cannot get the format I want without writing out temp flat files. I would prefer to get this into an array using something like xmlstarlet or xmllint. Of course better suggestions can be made and that is why I am here :) Thanks folks.
It would be better to use an XML parser.
Using awk
$ awk -F'[<>]' 'BEGIN{a["D"]="Dev";a["Q"]="Test"} /Name/{name=$3; type=a[substr(name,length(name))]; if (length(type)==0) type="Prod";} /SessionHost/{print type, name, $3;}' s.xml
Dev Hostname-H-A10D
This defines associative array a
/Name/{name=$3; type=a[substr(name,length(name))]; if (length(type)==0) type="Prod";}
On the line that has the host name, this captures the host name and, from it, determines the host type.
/SessionHost/{print type, name, $3;}
On the line that contains the host IP, this prints the type, name, and IP.