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Doctrine doesn't store ArrayCollection

I have an Entity that has a array field like this:

     * @var array
     * @ORM\Column(name="tels", type="json_array")
    private $tels;

I fill this using form and it fills correctly as after submit var_dump($entity->getTels()) returns this:

  private '_elements' => 
    array (size=1)
      0 => string '123' (length=3)

But after persist doctrine ignores this fields value and stores empty array:

| id | tels |
|  1 | {}   |

What is the problem?


  • The type json_array expects an array which will then be converted to json using json_encode. While a Doctrine ArrayCollection is technically traversable it doesnt nicely cast to array. So you either need to call ->toArray() on it or change your type to just be array
