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Weird whitespace error in PHP

I have phone numbers that I want to format

And I have a pattern matcher that breaks down the numbers into a 10 digit format, and then applies dashes. It works most of the time. However Im having an issue with certain numbers.

$trimmed = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $v->cust_num));
$tendigit = str_replace(array( '(', ')','-',' ' ), '', $trimmed);
$num = substr($tendigit,0,3)."-".substr($tendigit,3,3)."-".substr($tendigit,6,4);

This will change (555)555 5555, or 555-555 5555 or 5555555555 or (555)-555-5555 or 555-555-5555 to my format of 555-555-5555

However, I came across a few entries in my database, that dont seem to want to change.

One of the bad entries is this one. It contains two white spaces infront of the 4.


When it runs through $trimmed, and I output $ outputs


as expected. But then when I apply $num to it. It goes back to


I would at least expect it to be


It seems there is some hidden whitespace in it, that my preg_replace, trim, and str_replace are not attacking.

Any ideas??



  • The code below works, I have tried it with the special characters we discovered in the comments. Basically, the regex removes everything that isnt a number (0-9) and then uses your original formatting.

    $trimmed = preg_replace('/\D+/', '', $v->cust_num);
    $num = substr($trimmed,0,3)."-".substr($trimmed,3,3)."-".substr($trimmed,6,4);