I have a text file formatted like this:
ab cd ef gh ij
ab cd ef gh ij
ab cd ef gh ij
How can I import this data into Matlab so that it is stored as a cell array
that is equivalent to this 3x5 cell array
C = {
['ab'], ['cd'], ['ef'], ['gh'], ['ij'];
['ab'], ['cd'], ['ef'], ['gh'], ['ij'];
['ab'], ['cd'], ['ef'], ['gh'], ['ij'];
I can modify the text file to contain some sort of "end-of-line" indicator if needed. I tried using textscan
, but can't figure out how to get it to format the variable as described.
EDIT: Changed the accepted answer; I like the handling of potentially missing data points in Divakar's answer.
See if this works for you -
c1 = cellfun(@(x) strsplit(x),importdata(textfile_path),'un',0);
C = vertcat(c1{:})
This basically reads the text data into a cell array which is run through strsplit
to split the data into cells and rest is just re-arranging the data to get the desired output.
Instead of strsplit, you can use regexp
there -
c1 = regexp(importdata(textfile_path),'\s','split'); %// As suggested by Luis!
Let's suppose you have an "irregular" shaped text file i.e. to say, some data is missing along the columns at the trailing positions, something like this -
ab cd ef gh ij
ab ry mf pp
ab ui rt ko bw
In that case, you can use a modified version of the earlier code -
c1 = cellfun(@(x) strsplit(x),importdata(textfile_path),'un',0);
lens = cellfun('length',c1);
C = cell(max(lens),numel(c1));
C(bsxfun(@le,[1:max(lens)]',lens')) = [c1{:}];
C = C'
The output stays committed to that 2D structure, keeping empty cells for the empty places -
C =
'ab' 'cd' 'ef' 'gh' 'ij'
'ab' 'ry' 'mf' 'pp' []
'ab' 'ui' 'rt' 'ko' 'bw'