I'm creating an Recipe application with an AngularJS frontend, and a Laravel backend (setup as an API). When I'm looking at a detailed view of an recipe, I want the user to have the possibility to delete the recipe. Therefore I've added this button:
<button class="btn btn-danger" ng-show="recipeData.id" ng-click="deleteRecipe(recipeData.id)">
..which calls for this function:
$scope.deleteRecipe = function(id) {
.success(function() {
..that uses this service/factory:
destroy : function(id) {
return $http.delete('/api/recipes/' + id);
..which should be routed according to these rules Laravel routing rules:
Route::group(array('prefix' => 'api'), function() {
Route::resource('recipes', 'RecipeController');
Route::resource('ingredients', 'IngredientController');
Route::resource('nutrients', 'NutrientController');
Route::resource('IngredientsByRecipe', 'IngredientsByRecipeController');
..and in our RecipeController we find this function which should take care of the finishing job:
public function destroy($id)
return Response::json(array('success' => true));
..but somehow I can't get this to work because I get this error message in my browsers console:
DELETE http://localhost:8000/api/recipes/4 405 (Method Not Allowed)
..when I run this command below however, via the terminal, I recieve no errors and the specific recipe is deleted without problems.
curl -v -X DELETE http://localhost:8000/api/recipes/4
This problem only occurs while I'm running CodeKits browser-auto-refresh-tool. Can't figure out why. Posting the two headers below to see if you notice anything strange. With CodeKit:
DELETE /api/recipes/8 HTTP/1.1
Host: marcuss-macbook-air.local:5757
Connection: keep-alive
Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
Origin: http://marcuss-macbook-air.local:5757
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.111 Safari/537.36
Referer: http://marcuss-macbook-air.local:5757/edit/8
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8,sv;q=0.6
Cookie: __ngDebug=true; ckrp_ypos=0_0; laravel_session=eyJpdiI6IjFiVWRNSkZhK3hualwvS1FCd29SMk1vaVhJN0Q4Q1RJS1k2TDFnUHBQTWFzPSIsInZhbHVlIjoiOUtRUUFRbUJlaDcyZHJIZE1oQnphUm1wTlZiYmZoQ1VKZXdTWngwM1hLV2s3VjlrSzZ1b3E2Q0dsK1wvRk1mZlNHaG1wcWxBcjc5V2QzOVpSOXpHRElRPT0iLCJtYWMiOiJkNjliMDZjMThjYmVjZDZhZjU2N2ZmMzkwYTUzMjBmYmVlZDc4ZWVlZmFlOWY1YzE5NWYwZDIxNDkwNGU5YmRiIn0%3D
Without CodeKit:
DELETE /api/recipes/7 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8000
Connection: keep-alive
Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
Origin: http://localhost:8000
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.111 Safari/537.36
Referer: http://localhost:8000/edit/7
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8,sv;q=0.6
Cookie: __ngDebug=true; laravel_session=eyJpdiI6Ik5iVWpESEYyRk45Yys5REV1OUdOcHlyTXd6YkNsSFlETTFlUkVhNjdseE09IiwidmFsdWUiOiJVRlFka1hERTBmMGJQb3dBQ2YyQmIzZnNGb2hab1VldmFhUUhHeE00czdqUytmVUdXQXRDbXJPc0lTRUpGZDY2K0V3alNHejRIY0JsdkNxQ1ExdlJoZz09IiwibWFjIjoiNzQ2YzIyODRkZjQ0ZTdjODI0YzYxMTVjMzc0ZTJhM2UzZmQyM2Y4OGIwYmJkMzU2ZWNiNzU1NzgzYzBkZDY0ZSJ9
What is the cause for my DELETE-requests to get 405'ed via Angular (using CodeKit) but not via my curl-request in the terminal or normal use of Angular?
Thanks in advance!
CodeKit does not support the DELETE method. So this is the reason why it works with other clients.
There is an open issue for this on GitHub: #398