I got a website and i want to group users behaviour based on partner Partner will send traffic with a url param
I want to have a a group of user anaytics so i can track users behaviour based on partner
Here is an example:
a user visit my website with a partner param http://www.wesite.com/?partner=joe_doe
I will set a cookie to a user partner=joe_doe add each to request a partner to google analytics
something like this: _gaq.push(['_asignToPartner', 'joe_doe']);
What is the best way to do something like this and is it possible?
You could use a user scoped custom dimensions and send in the value of the user group with your hits, or if you had user ids you could even use user data import to import even more user categories.
Below is an example where you have created the custom dimension for "Partner" and then when you receive url parameter you set that as a value in your page view.
ga('create', 'UA-XXXX-Y', 'auto');
ga('set', 'dimension1', 'joe_doe'); // Where dimensions1 is your user scoped custom dimension.
ga('send', 'pageview');