I need to implement a QR code reader in Calico Python (IronPython) using Zxing.net. When I try to load the barcode image, I get the message:
File "C:\Calico-3.1.0\Calico\zxingTest.py", line 6, in <module> AttributeError: attribute 'Bitmap' of 'namespace#' object is read-only
The image decodes fine with Zbar in Java. The C# sample code I'm basing it on is near the bottom of this page: ZXing.Net at Codeplex
I'm using ZXing.Net and Calico 3.1.0
My code is this:
import clr
import sys
import ZXing as zx
bcr = zx.BarcodeReader()
bcbm = zx.Bitmap.LoadFrom("C:\\temp\\SRQRCode3.png")
result = bcr.Decode(bcbm)
I'm not sure if it is a configuration error, as the IronPython docs suggest, or what.
Thanks in advance.
The sample (from http://zxingnet.codeplex.com/) you are basing your snippet on seems outdated and you have some minor errors in translating it from C# to IronPython.
Bitmap is not provided by ZXing but .NET. The properly translated sample should look like:
import clr
import sys
import ZXing as zx
from System.Drawing import Bitmap
bcr = zx.BarcodeReader()
bcbm = Bitmap(r"C:\temp\SRQRCode3.png")
result = bcr.Decode(bcbm)
if result is not None: