I have some signal in my class, is called requestFinished
Also i have slot _finished
, which should activate that signal.
But i have error undefined reference to MY_SIGNAL
Here is _finished
void VK::_finished(QNetworkReply *reply) {
if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) {
qDebug() << (QString) reply->readAll();
} else {
QString json(reply->readAll());
VKResponse *response = new VKResponse(json);
VKError *error = new VKError(json);
VKAnswer *answer = new VKAnswer(error, response);
emit requestFinished(answer);
Here is class VK
class VK {
VK(QString token);
void request(QString method, std::map<QString, QString> data);
QString token;
private slots:
void _finished(QNetworkReply *reply);
void requestFinished(VKAnswer *answer);
As you can see, it contains method requestFinished
in signals. What is my problem? Thanks.
Your VK class needs to publicly inherit QObject and include Q_OBJECT as the first thing:
class VK: public QObject {
VK(QString token);
void request(QString method, std::map<QString, QString> data);
virtual ~VK();
QString token;
private slots:
void _finished(QNetworkReply *reply);
void requestFinished(VKAnswer *answer);
you will then need to ensure the moc is run against that (usually this is automatic in QtCreator)