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VSPackage did not load correctly; How to revert "continue to show this error message" status?

Today the VSPackage I'm developing failed to load, and Visual Studio prompted me to check ActivityLog.xml. It also asked "continue to show this error message?" And accidentally I pressed no.

The window I'm referring to looks similar to this: Picture of Visual Studio dialog window where I pressed No instead of Yes

How can I revert pressing "No"?

I couldn't find any switches in Tools>Options. This seems like a difficult phrase to search on google.


  • When you press No, Visual Studio creates a registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\VS_VERSION\Packages{YOUR_PACKAGE_GUID} (e.g. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\Packages{9A7EBB7F-B08C-4E35-9898-A7B73468A624}) with a value SkipLoading=1.

    You need to delete this SkipLoading.