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How to use dates and logical operators in Spotfire Custom Expressions

I'm trying to add a new calculated column in Spotfire using an expression, where if a date is greater than a specified date, then the expression should return true. However, how do you tell the Custom Expression builder that you want to do this?

The syntax should be something like if ([datea] > 1-1-2014, 1, 0), but I am struggling what to delimit the date in the expression: I've tried double quotes, single squares, hashes (#) but with no luck.

Any thoughts?


  • Have you tried Date function?

    Creates a Date from a column or values. If a single argument is given, the input column can be of type String or DateTime. If a String is specified, the date must be written on a form that Spotfire can recognize and all parts of the date (year, month and day) must be present. If three integer arguments are given, then the first argument is the year, the second is the month and the third is the date in that month. Example: Date([Column]) Date(2007, 05, 17)
