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How to get a reference to a web form's ModelStateDictionary from inside a Web Forms MVP Presenter?

Using the Web Forms MVP framework in an ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms application, how do I get a reference to a page's ModelStateDictionary object from inside the Presenter object for that page?

I'd like my presenter to be able to set model state errors when something goes wrong. For example: errors when attempting to insert records that violate a UNIQUE constraint.

catch (DbUpdateException updateException)
    // how to get a reference to the model state?
    ModelStateDictionary state = null;

    // add the error to the model state for display by the view
    state.AddModelError("key", updateException.GetBaseException().Message);

A google search for "webformsmvp presenter modelstatedictionary" yields an alarmingly low number of relevant results.


  • One way is to pass the model state from the view to the presenter as an event argument.

    First, the EventArgs class:

    public class ModelStateEventArgs : EventArgs
        public ModelStateEventArgs(ModelStateDictionary modelState)
            this.ModelState = modelState;
        public ModelStateDictionary ModelState { get; private set; }

    derive from this class if you need additional event arguments

    Then, the IView that is implemented by the view:

    public interface IDataContextView : IView<DataContextVM>
        event EventHandler<ModelStateEventArgs> Update;

    Raising the event in the view itself:

    • MvpPage views

      this.Update(this, new ModelStateEventArgs(this.ModelState));
    • MvpUserControl views

      this.Update(this, new ModelStateEventArgs(this.Page.ModelState));

    Finally, the Presenter, which can subscribe to the Update events and get the model state for each event as it happens:

    public class DataContextPresenter : Presenter<IDataContextView>
        public DataContextPresenter(IDataContextView view)
            : base(view)
            this.View.Update += OnUpdating();
        private void OnUpdating(object sender, ModelStateEventArgs e)
            var entity = ConvertViewModelToEntity(this.View.Model);
            dbcontext.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified;
            catch (DbUpdateException updateException)
                // add the error to the model state for display by the view
                e.ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, updateException.GetBaseException().Message);