My system configuration is following Processor : Intel Pentium dual core T2370 with 1.73 GHz RAM : 2 GB OS : windows-7 32 bit
I've installed Android ADT bundle (Eclipse JUNO,ADT plugin) after that I have successfully install Android SDK build-in tool and Android 4.4W (API20) with other stuff. Then I've created AVD with Android Wear Intel x86 Atom System image, but when I try to start the emulator, it freezes and the screen remains black (I tried to wait for over 15 minutes).
I have tried many AVD with different configuration of RAM, internal storage but nothing is going to work for me.
Please help me. I have waste many hours on searching Google and all that.
My AVD configuration is :
AVD NAME: Android_20
DeVICE: 4" WVGA (Nexus S)480*800 hdpi
CPU: Android Wear ARM(armeabi v7a)
Skin: WVGA800
Camera front and rear : none
RAM : 512
Heap : 32
Internal storage : 1000 MB
Sd card:None
get genymotion my friends it will helps you a lot in many things.
and for this default emulator , check what you set in CPU/ABI , set it as ARM