I have an task where I need to count the occurrences of errors in a log file and I know how to do that. Now Im trying to change the font color of these occurrences. I have it kinda working but it doesn't change the whole word to the wanted color and for the next occurrence of that string it shifts over 3 characters. See image below.
I searched for the word "Checked" and it gave me these results.
Below is the code that I am using
NSArray * lines = [words componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]];
wordresult = [lines componentsJoinedByString:@""];
if (occS2 == 1)
NSString * box2 = [_occSearchTwoTextBox stringValue];
NSUInteger countFatal = 0, length4 = [wordresult length];
NSRange range4 = NSMakeRange(0, length4);
while(range4.location != NSNotFound)
range4 = [wordresult rangeOfString: box2 options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch range:range4];
[self.stringLogTextView setTextColor:[NSColor redColor] range:range4];
NSLog(@"Occurance Edited");
if(range4.location != NSNotFound)
range4 = NSMakeRange(range4.location + range4.length, length4 - (range4.location + range4.length));
NSString * FatalCount = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu", (unsigned long)countFatal];
[_customSearchTwoTextBox setStringValue:FatalCount];
Can anyone please point me to where to why its shifting? I can only assume that it has something to do with my range but I'm not sure what to do to resolve.
Thanks for everyones time!
I'm not sure why your method isn't working correctly, but I would do it a different way. Using enumerateSubstringsInRange:options:usingBlock:, you can enumerate your string by word, and get the range of each word passed in to the method for you. If the word is "Checked", you can increment your count and also set the attributes for that range of a mutable attributed string. Here is an example of how to use that method,
NSString *theText = @"] Tables initialized\n]Database version Checked\n]Got login id-1\n] Tables initialized\n]Database version Checked\n]Got login id-1\n] Tables initialized\n]Database version Checked\n]Got login id-1\n";
NSMutableAttributedString *attrib = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:theText];
NSDictionary *dict = @{NSForegroundColorAttributeName:[NSColor greenColor]};
__block int count = 0;
[theText enumerateSubstringsInRange:NSMakeRange(0, theText.length) options:NSStringEnumerationByWords usingBlock:^(NSString *substring, NSRange substringRange, NSRange enclosingRange, BOOL *stop) {
if ([substring isEqualToString:@"Checked"]) {
[attrib setAttributes:dict range:substringRange];
count ++;
self.textView.textStorage.attributedString = attrib;
NSLog(@"count is: %d",count);