Worklight Studio v6.2
MySQL Community Server 5.6.21
I did simple experiment for this. I created 4 procedures in a sql adapter.
"begin" procedure, which invokes just "BEGIN;" statement.
"commit" procedure, which invokes just "COMMIT;" statement.
"rollback" procedure, which invokes just "ROLLBACK;" statement.
"insert" procedure, which invokes "INSERT" statement which insert a row to a table.
In addtion,I created hybrid app which has buttons. Each button executes the procedure above.
I opened it by browser for test. I execute "begin -> insert -> commit" and "begin -> insert -> rollback". Both work fine.
Next, I opend the application from two browsers(A/B). And I execute below.
1.From browser A:begin
2.From browser A:insert
3.From browser B:commit
It is committed.
The database can not distinguish that each request comes from diffrent user by this way.
Any solutions?
Thanks in advance.
Update: What you could try is:
Edit: this is not the correct soution, as connectAs="endUser" is not supported in SQL adapeders
I think what you need to do is add the connectAs="endUser"
attribute to the adapter procedures in the in the adapter XML file: <procedure name="myProcedure" connectAs="endUser"/>
From this following blog post, which you should read, connectAs="endUser"
In order to support stateful backend HTTP adapter procedures can be configured to work in a connectAs=“endUser” mode. This mode means that a separate instance of HTTP session will be created for each client session
Blog post: Configuring HTTP adapters for stateless/stateful backend connectivity and user identity propagation