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Hero Transitions not working Android Lollipop

I tried to make animations/transitions between activities but I couldn't make it perfect and good. And I couldn't find any helping guide. Can you tell me how to create an ActivityOptions tranistion, like this:

Step by step? Thanks.


  • You need two shared elements:

    1. The card (the entire card) from the list view will be shared and mapped to the root view of the detail view activity. You can transition that with a ChangeBounds.
    2. The ImageView from the list view will be shared and mapped to the ImageView in the detail view activity. You can use a TransitionSet with both ChangeBounds and ChangeImageTransform.

    That means that your activity options will look something like this:

    ActivityOptions.makeSceneTransition(YourActivity.this, Pair.create(yourCardViewInstance, "cardView"), Pair.create(yourImageViewInstance, "imageView")

    Finally, make sure that the views in your second activity have transition names that match those in your ActivityOptions. E.g.
