Hello I'm new to android developing.
Is there a method in java that equals to #.gotFocus?
Is there in java an events list that I can watch and select like in c# visual studio?
I tried to do #.Focus or something similar but had no success.
I want to reproduce the following scheme:
1- EditText has a certain hint => "Enter a value"
2- The user clicks the edit text and the hint disappears => ""
3- The user fills a certain value => "certain value"
Thank's for helpers :)
Ron Yamin, If I understand your doubt correctly what you want is:
1- Have a field of text for the user to type words/numbers etc --> It is called EditText in android
2- Have an hint so the user knows what to type --> Eg. "Type your name"
3- And react to focus in some way.
The first one you will achieve either through XML or by code. If you have a main.xml in your layouts folder (assuming you are using eclipse/android studio to develop), you can use the interface to drag an edit text to the android screen.
The second one you will achieve still through the XML. If you right click on it, right side of the screen there will be a little window called Proprieties that you can change things like height and width and a hint. Type there your hint.
Finally the last one you need to go to your code in .java and get a reference of your edit text (findViewById).
Either through setOnClickListener or setOnFocusChangeListener.
More info you can checkout here: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/controls/text.html
I have googled a tutorial you can check with more detailed information and step by step guide. Hope it helps: