I am trying to display mouse position on timer. I use winfo_pointerxy(), here is part of the code from my_func():
curr_x, curr_y = mouseFrame.winfo_pointerxy()
curr_x = mouseFrame.canvasx(curr_x)
curr_y = mouseFrame.canvasy(curr_y)
mouseFrame.create_oval(curr_x, curr_y, curr_x + 5, curr_y + 5, fill='green')
start_btn.after(time_interval, my_func)
It seems like I use canvasx() wrong cause it still returns position counted from the left-up corner of the screen.
According to this tkinter reference (which I use constantly)
Because the canvas may be larger than the window, and equipped with scrollbars to move the overall canvas around in the window, there are two coordinate systems for each canvas:
The window coordinates of a point are relative to the top left corner of the area on the display where the canvas appears. The canvas coordinates of a point are relative to the top left corner of the total canvas.
If your canvas is against the upper left corner of the window (display) and you have not scrolled the canvas, the two sets of coordinates should be the same.