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No command 'ember' found

Seems like I messed up with my ember-cli install. I had installed the npm using sudo, but after reading some issues with ember-cli and sudo on npm I went for uninstall and reinstall following the instruction here

Now I have installed ember-cli through npm install -g ember-cli but when I do an ember new <name> I get

No command 'ember' found, did you mean:

Command 'enber' from package 'asn1c' (universe)

ember: command not found

I can do which node

$ which node


and which npm

$ which npm


, but I can see that ember exists in the following path that is installed:

npm install -g ember-cli

/home/[user]/npm/bin/ember -> /home/[user]/npm/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/bin/ember

Any ideas how to get ember command working?


  • You need to make sure /home/[user]/npm/bin is in your shell's path. You can echo $PATH to see if it's included.

    For Bash:

    Add this to your .bashrc or .bash_profile


    And then restart your terminal or run source ~/.bashrc

    For ZSH:

    Add this to your '.zshrc`


    And then restart your terminal or run source ~/.zshrc

    You will need to replace [user] in the paths with your user name on your computer.