I've a paper-input element and I'm binding a variable to the element's inputValue in order to show the user input in real time. The field is required, so if the field is empty the component shows a warning as expected.
The problem appears when I clean the variable, in which case the validation status is not updated.
Here the code:
<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../paper-input/paper-input.html">
<polymer-element name="slimy-coconut" attributes="invalid,inputValue">
<paper-input required="true" invalid={{invalid}} inputValue={{inputValue}}></paper-input>
invalid: {{invalid}}<br>
inputValue: {{inputValue}}<br>
<button on-click="{{cleanInputValue}}">Clean inputValue</button>
Polymer('slimy-coconut', {
cleanInputValue: function(event, detail, sender) {
this.inputValue = "";
<slimy-coconut name="Ele Dev"></slimy-coconut>
Here a running example: https://ele.io/fedy2/slimy-coconut
How can I bind to the inputValue and make the validation work?
You can set the "invalid" property of paper-input to false - http://jsbin.com/rowehehiga/1/edit?html,output