I have a recipe app where each recipe is associated with a number of ingredients and the ingredients are organized using the ancestry gem.
class Ingredient < AR::Base
has_many :recipe_ingredients
has_many :recipes, through: :recipe_ingredients
class Recipe < AR::Base
has_many :recipe_ingredients
has_many :ingredients, through: :recipe_ingredients
So, for example, "soy sauce" would be an ingredient and "kikkoman" would be a child of "soy sauce". A recipe might call for "soy sauce" or specifically call out "kikkoman" by name.
I want to be able to search recipes by ancestry, so if I ran a search for "soy sauce" it would also find recipes with the child "kikkoman". How can I accomplish this with Rails magic?
if ingredient_key
is the given ingredient (soy sauce), this could give you all recipes:
(ingredient_key.ancestors + ingredient_key + ingredient_key.descendants).map(&:recipes).flatten.uniq
You could omit ancestors if you only wanted recipes of that ingredient and its children.