I am attempting to implement the ability to download a quiz, and display it in a lightbox, with a single mouse click. I got all the ajax stuff working, and I think am using Magnific-popup correctly, but the "lightbox" is missing. Instead all I see is the text, left justified, on the dark background.
I reduced the jQuery code to be the minimum necessary to duplicate the issue:
callbacks: {
parseAjax: function (ajaxResponse) {
ajaxResponse.data = "<div class='wrapper'><p>this is a test</p></div>";
And my html looks like this
<a class = "els-ajax-popup" href="http://sandbox.somewhere.net/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=els_quiz_ajax&quiz_id=3" >Quiz</a>
Current behavior: After clicking the link, the screen turns dark and the words "Loading ..." appear, centered on the screen for a second and vanish. Then the html appears, directly on the dark background, left-justified and centered vertically. In addition the the missing white background, there is no way to exit. Only a screen refresh will return it to normal.
I carefully read all of the stack overflow questions tagged with "Magnific-popup". Not sure what else I can do at this point.
Magnific is working great for me in "inline" mode.
midClick: true, // allow opening popup on middle mouse click.
In this case, the HTML and jscript are already in the page. You can see how the inline version works here.
I'm using MagnificPopup in the same way and it should work, looks to me like your problem is related to the CSS.
Looking at your page, maybe try this:
ajaxResponse.data = "<div id='test-popup4' class='quiz-popup'>" +
"<div class='wrapper'><p>this is a test</p></div>" +
"<button class='mfp-close' type='button' title='Close (Esc)'>×</button>" +
That should load the content applying the same styles you currently have.
Hope this helps.