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Changing JSON transformation to XML in neoload

Given the following HTTP response :

{"id":"1", "name":test"}

At the moment, when you check "see JSON requests/responses as xml content" in "Edition > Preferences > Project settings > Modules Manager > JSON" (in order to be able to use xpath instead of regexp), you have a completely useless stuff like :


Note : this is useless because when you have deep JSON response, you have XPath like : ArrayNode/__children/child::ObjectNode/__children/entry[child::string/text()='data']/ObjectNode/__children/entry[child::string/text()='id']/IntNode/__value

I have managed to create an extension where I parse the JSON inside a JSONObject or JSONArray and then I call

return "<root>"+XML.toString(json)+"</root>";

which gives me a beautifull


Note : that I could process easily with xpath

The problem is that then Neoload converts this to


which is as useless as the first stuff (maybe more useless because XPath is not an option anymore as I only have one node).

So my question is how can I change the way Neoload is transforming my Decoder return value ?

I have tried to return JSONObject or JSONArray in the Decoder directly and then to use a Namer, but the Namer seems to be used only with requests, not with responses.

Any hint is appreciated !


  • The "easier" way I found to simulate real JSON is to do the following.

    First, do a normal web page call and add a variable via the advanced panel to capture all the response (the regexp to use is (.*)).

    Then, use a javascript with the following content (here, EntryResponse is the captured variable name)

    //get the previous http response and eval it
    var resp_ = context.variableManager.getValue("EntryResponse");
    if (resp_ == null) {
  "Variable 'EntryResponse' not found");
    var resp = eval("("+resp_+")")
    //then used resp as real json
    logger.debug("Logged User Id=";
    // Inject a value in a runtime variable

    This is not as straightforward as it could be but this is far more powerful and easier than the classical XPath