iTunes Connect - Prerelease - Beta testing with Internal testers says 31 days left, what does this mean?
Will the app uninstall itself after 30 days? Will it become inactive or unusable? What happens?
From some months' experience, I find that my original answer(guess) is not right. If an application has expired on iTunes Connect Beta Testing. It will very soon(in one or two days after the expiration) stop working from the device that has it installed.
Original answer:
Short answer: when the testing period end, testers will no longer be able to accept invites and install builds. Testers that already have builds installed will not be affected.
In this document,
Apple says:
“After the 30 day testing period has ended, the build status changes to Expired"
"To continue testing after the 30-day period expires, upload another build. Internal testers will automatically receive an update notification when the new build is available. To distribute the new build to external testers, you must submit it to Beta App Review. Once it is approved, you can send the external testers an update email by clicking Send Invites from the External Testers column on Builds, as shown above."
Apple doesn't describe clearly the behaviors on the tester side when a build expired.
But when I try to turn off the "TestFlight Beta Testing" on an app, the prompt says:
"Are you sure you want to stop testing? Testers will no longer be able to accept invites and install builds. Testers that already have builds installed will not be affected."
So I guess the behaviors on the tester side when a build expired are going to be the same as that when the testing is shut down by turning off the "TestFlight Beta Testing" option.