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Enable History Field in QC (HP Quality Center) with VBScript

I am trying to activate the History flag of a project in the customize section of QC11 with VBS. This is my script:

If Not voCustomization.IsLocked Then

' lock
Print "[" & Sysdate() & "] Locked customization object."

If Err.Number = 0 Then

    Set custFields = voCustomization.Fields

    ' Make field searchable
    Set fcraField = custFields.Field("Test", "TS_USER_88")
    If fcraField.IsSupportsHistory Then
        If fcraField.IsHistory Then
            Print "[" & Sysdate() & "] History already set on TS_USER_88 of " & vsDomain & "." & vsProject
            fcraField.IsHistory = True
            Print "[" & Sysdate() & "] History enabled on TS_USER_88 of " & vsDomain & "." & vsProject
        End If
    End If

    ' check if the customization object has changed and commit if neccessary
    If voCustomization.IsChanged Then
        Print "[" & Sysdate() & "] Uncommited changes are waiting."
        Print "[" & Sysdate() & "] Successfully commited change"
        Print "[" & Sysdate() & "] No uncommited changes are pending."
    End If

    Print "[" & Sysdate() & "] Could not lock project " & vsDomain & "." & vsProject & ", abording now..."
End If 'voTDC.Customization.LockObject

' unlock
Print "[" & Sysdate() & "] Unlocked customization object."

When I check the output of the script I can see that it successfully connected to the project and says "History already set on ...". When I go into the customization section > Project Entities > Test > User Fields > TS_USER_88 then the "History" checkbox is not checked. What am I doing wrong?


  • If custFields.FieldExists("TEST", "TS_USER_88") Then
        Set field = custFields.Field("TEST", "TS_USER_88")
        If field.IsSupportsHistory Then
             If field.IsHistory Then
                             Print "[" & Sysdate() & "] History Flag already enabled on TS_USER_88, performing no changes."
                             field.IsHistory = True
                             Print "[" & Sysdate() & "] Successfully enabled history field of TS_USER_88."
                             'Commit changes to database
                             Print "[" & Sysdate() & "] Changes committed to DB"
             End If
            Print "[" & Sysdate() & "] FAILED to enable hisotry field of TS_USER_88."
        End If
        Print "[" & Sysdate() & "] Project can NOT be migrated..."
        Print "[" & Sysdate() & "] FIELD TS_USER_88 NOT FOUND - PROJECT IS NOT SUPPORTED."
    End If