I would like to restrict the user to inputting (through Getopt::Long
) only one value out of a possible three. The values are 'pc-number', 'ip-address', and 'surname'.
When there were two values, I was doing the following:
if ((!$pc_number and !$address) or ($pc_number and $address)) {
pod2usage("You must supply pc_number OR ip_address.");
} elsif ($pc_number) {
(do stuff)
How can I simply make sure only one out of three variables are set by the user?
Count the number of true values using grep
. Could also check for defined
if that was appropriate:
if ( 1 != grep {$_} ( $pc_number, $address, $surname ) ) {
pod2usage "You must supply one and only one parameter: pc_number, ip_address, surname.";
} elsif ($pc_number) {