I'm using Symfony , I wanna redirect the user to a specific frame in a page
So How can i translate this <a href="index.html#about"/>
to twig ? I tried <a href="{{path('pl_index')}}#about"/>
but it doesnt work
in twig you can use {{path('_welcome') }} and it will send you to your home index, check your route.yml and you can see what are the paths generated by symfony.
for example this is my config.yml:
//savabundle config.yml
path: /productos/construccion
defaults: { _controller: savaInventarioBundle:Inventario:construccion }
path: /productos/
defaults: { _controller: savaInventarioBundle:Inventario:index }
if i want to generate www.mypage.com/productos/construccion#about link, this is what my html should look like
<a href="{{path('sava_inventario_construccion') }}#about"/>
you can read more in here http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/templating.html