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Extract survival probabilities in Survfit by groups

I am new to survival analysis and survfit in R. I want to extract survival probabilities for 4 groups (diseases) at specified time periods (0,10,20,30 years since diagnosis) in a table. Here is the setup:

fit <- survfit((time=time,event=death)~group)

surv.prob <- summary(fit,time=c(0,10,20,30))$surv

surv.prob contains 16 probabilities, that is, survival probabilities for 4 groups estimated at 4 different time periods listed above. I want to create a table like this:

Group  time.period  prob

1       0        0.9

1       10       0.8

1       20       0.7

1       30       0.6

and so on for all 4 groups.

Any suggestions on how a table like this can be easily created? I will be putting this command in loop to estimate results using different combinations of covariates. I looked at $table in survfit but that seems to only provide events, median etc. Appreciate any help on this.



  • I can do it fairly easily with package 'rms' which has a survest function:

    install.packages(rms, dependencies=TRUE);require(rms)
    cfit <- cph(Surv(time, status) ~ x, data = aml, surv=TRUE)
    survest(cfit, newdata=expand.grid(x=levels(aml$x)) , 
       0        10        20        30        40         50
    1  1 0.8690765 0.7760368 0.6254876 0.4735880 0.21132505
    2  1 0.7043047 0.5307801 0.3096943 0.1545671 0.02059005
    Warning message:
    In survest.cph(cfit, newdata = expand.grid(x = levels(aml$x)), times = seq(0,  :
      S.E. and confidence intervals are approximate except at predictor means.
    Use cph(...,x=TRUE,y=TRUE) (and don't use linear.predictors=) for better estimates.

    With package survival you can find a worked example on pages 264-265 of Therneau and Grambsch's book, but this would still require code to put out the values at particular times.

     fit <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ x, data = aml) 
     expfit <- survfit(fit, temp)
     plot(expfit, xscale=365.25, ylab="Expected")

    enter image description here

    > expfit$surv
                  1          2
     [1,] 0.9508567 0.88171694
     [2,] 0.8975825 0.76343993
     [3,] 0.8690765 0.70430463
     [4,] 0.8405707 0.64800519
     [5,] 0.8105393 0.59170883
     [6,] 0.8105393 0.59170883
     [7,] 0.7760369 0.53078004
     [8,] 0.7057873 0.41876588
     [9,] 0.6686309 0.36584513
    [10,] 0.6686309 0.36584513
    [11,] 0.6254878 0.30969426
    [12,] 0.5773770 0.25357160
    [13,] 0.5292685 0.20403922
    [14,] 0.4735881 0.15456706
    [15,] 0.4179153 0.11309373
    [16,] 0.3484162 0.07179820
    [17,] 0.2113251 0.02059003
    [18,] 0.2113251 0.02059003
    > expfit$time
     [1]   5   8   9  12  13  16  18  23  27  28  30  31  33  34  43
    [16]  45  48 161

    As noted by @Skaul below: In survival package, the specific times can be inserted as: summary(expfit,time=c(0,10,20,30))$surv