Search code examples

Right alignment of TD HTML tag

For some reasons I am generating HTML code for customers of specific time period and in that code I need Dollar fields's ( 'payed' and 'charges' columns ) text right aligned, how is this possible using XML raw('tr').

create table #Customer
id varchar(500),
CustomerName varchar(500),
customertype varchar(500),
LastOrderNo varchar(500),
charges varchar(500),
Payed varchar(500)

insert into #Customer
select '201','Cus1','XX','on-09799','60.09$','30.00$'
union all 
select '202','Cus2','XX','on-09777','90.09$','50.00$' 
union all 
select '203','Cus3','YY','on-09766','100.09$','100.00$' 
union all 
select '204','Cus4','ZZ','on-09788','2000.09$','2000.00$' 

Declare @Body varchar(max)
set @Body=''

select @Body =@Body+'<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 >' +
                  '<tr><td width="100px" > ID</td>' +
                      '<td width="140px" >CustomerName</td>' +
                      '<td width="100px" >Customertype</td>' +
                      '<td width="100px" > LastOrderNo</td>' +
                      '<td width="100px" align="right" bgcolor=#E6E6FA><b> charges</b></td>' +
                      '<td width="110px" align="right" bgcolor=#E6E6FA><b> Payed</b></td></tr>'

select @Body = @Body+(SELECT  
                        td= id,'',
                        td= CustomerName,'',
                        td= customertype,'',
                        td= LastOrderNo,'',
                        td= charges,'',     
                        td= Payed,''    
                        from #Customer                          
                        For XML raw('tr'), Elements

select @Body

select * from #Customer

drop table #Customer


  • I would suggest you try to change the two lines to:

                 '<td width="100px" style="text-align:right" bgcolor=#E6E6FA><b> charges</b></td>' +
                 '<td width="110px" style="text-align:right" bgcolor=#E6E6FA><b> Payed</b></td></tr>'

    You can further move the background color inside of the style with:


    Then you can add 'text-align:right' as 'td/@style', right before td= charges,'',. If this is added right after the SELECT it will align all the cols. Try that.

     select @Body = @Body+(SELECT   
          td= id,'',
          td= CustomerName,'',
          td= customertype,'',
          td= LastOrderNo,'',
          td= charges,'',  
          td= Payed,''    
        from #Customer                          
        For XML path('tr') ---- instead of for xml raw(tr), element