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Polymer - Vulcanize core-elements and paper elements to one file?

What would be the best way to concatenate core-elements and paper elements from Polymer? As one large file? two seperate ones (core & paper)? a smaller division (5+ or 10 + or 20+)?

Im trying to reduce the number of imports per web page for a web-app and cant decide how to go about organizing polymer web-component imports. Any advice? / best way to use Vulcanization?


  • The easiest way is to vulcanize everything together. Add core-elements + paper-elements in one import that your index.html use:


    <link rel="import" href="core-elements.html">
    <link rel="import" href="paper-elements.html">


    vulcanize elements.html -o elements.vulcanize.html --csp --inline --strip

    For Polymer 1.0, you'll need the latest version of vulcanize and the flags have changed a bit: