I'm getting crazy with a small problem here,
I keep getting an error and I cant seem to figure out why,
the code is supposed to change the range of a list,
so if we give it a list with values (1 2 3 4)
and we want to change the range in 11 to fourteen the result would be (11 12 13 14)
the problem is that the last function called scale-list
will give back an error saying:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p nil)
anybody has a clue why? I use aquamacs as an editor thanks in advance
;;finds minimum in a list
(defun minimum (list)
(car (sort list #'<)))
;;finds maximum in a list
(defun maximum (list)
(car (sort list #'>)))
;;calculates the range of a list
(defun range (list)
(- (maximum list) (minimum list)))
;;scales one value to another range
(defun scale-value (list low high n)
(+ (/ (* (- (nth (- n 1) list)
(minimum list))
(- high low))
(range list))
;;is supposed to scale the whole list to another range
(defun scale-list (list low high n)
(unless (= n 0)
(cons (scale-value list low high n)
(scale-list list low high (- n 1)))))
(scale-list '(1 2 3 4) 21 24 4)
The definitions of maximum and minimum need to be improved. SORT is destructive. It is also wrong to call SORT with a literal constant like '(1 2 3 4) - again, SORT is destructive.
Better definitions:
(defun minimum (list)
(reduce #'min list))
(defun maximum (list)
(reduce #'max list))
A more efficient definition of range:
(defun range (list)
(loop for e in list
maximize e into max
minimize e into min
finally (return (- max min))))
SCALE-LIST and SCALE-VALUE are also not Lisp-like. If you call NTH like this in a recursive function then something is wrong. You should recurse over the list, not the index. SCALE-VALUE calls RANGE and MINIMUM for each call. Why?
Check this variant:
;;scales one value to another range
(defun scale-value (item low high min range)
(+ (/ (* (- item min)
(- high low))
;;is supposed to scale the whole list to another range
(defun scale-list (list low high)
(let ((min (minimum list))
(range (range list)))
(labels ((scale-list-aux (list)
(when list
(cons (scale-value (first list) low high min range)
(scale-list-aux (rest list))))))
(scale-list-aux list))))
(scale-list '(1 2 3 4) 21 24)
What can you improve more? For example I would get rid of the recursion and replace it with MAPCAR.