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I need someone to explain this ASP function to me

I've got an ASP document that 5 years old. Actually I'm working with PHP but I must use ASP for a Windows Application. So I need someone to explain this function to me.


function Check_Is_Web_Locked()
    dim cmdDB , Ret
    Set cmdDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
            With cmdDB
                .ActiveConnection = DBCon
                .CommandText = "TICT_CHECK_WEB_STATUS"
                .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
                .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("RETURN_VALUE", adInteger, adParamReturnValue, 0)
                Ret = Trim(.Parameters("RETURN_VALUE"))

            End With
            Set cmdDB = Nothing

            Check_Is_Web_Locked = Ret

end function

What does this function do?

Is "TICT_CHECK_WEB_STATUS" a stored procedure?

If it's what are the columns that function looking for?


  • Yes, TICT_CHECK_WEB_STATUS is a stored procedure in the database. This SP returns a "signed integer" output parameter called RETURN_VALUE, whose value gets stored in the Ret variable when it is returned from the SP.

    The Trim function should strip out any white-space from RETURN_VALUE, but since it is an integer there will never by any. Therefore it is simply converting the return value into a string.

    Finally the function is returning the Ret string. This is done with the Check_Is_Web_Locked = Ret statement.