I'm having some trouble with a UIPageViewController
. If I scroll to a new page, the new view controller is behind the status bar while I'm scrolling. After the scrolling, the view controller position itself below the status bar.
I'm using Storyboard (Universal). UIPageViewController
has attribute Extend Edges: Under Top Bars
. What am I missing?
to false didn't workedgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None
didn't work eitherUPDATE
Another reason for the jumping are 'Margins' from 'Constraints' (found here). Ensure that you uncheck margins if you use constraints (right Dialog). You can remove them later in the Utilities (left Dialog). Check both of the connected views!
I just found a possible solution:
In my case, the UIPageViewController
container had a Top Space of 0
constraint to its superview.
The superview was the root container which contains the status bar.
I changed the value of the Top Space
to 20, which is higher than the status bar. Now it doesn’t move the views below the status bar, because they already are.
Hope that helps!