I'm looking for solution to extract some node from large xml file (using xmlstarlet http://xmlstar.sourceforge.net/) and then parse this node to php array.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<element id="1" par1="val1_1" par2="val1_2" par3="val1_3">
<title>element 1 title</title>
<description>element 1 description</description>
<element id="2" par1="val2_1" par2="val2_2" par3="val2_3">
<title>element 2 title</title>
<description>element 2 description</description>
To extract element tag with id="1" using xmlstarlet I'm executing this shell command...
xmlstarlet sel -t -c "/elements/element[id=1]" elements.xml
This shell command outputs something like this...
<element id="1" par1="val1_1" par2="val1_2" par3="val1_3">
<title>element 1 title</title>
<description>element 1 description</description>
How could I parse this shell output into php array?
Thank you.
I've found http://php.net/manual/en/function.simplexml-load-string.php pretty useful. This SimpleXML function will convert extracted piece of XML to SimpleXML object.
you could always take the new outputted xml and use simplexml like:
$data = '<element id="1" par1="val1_1" par2="val1_2" par3="val1_3">
<title>element 1 title</title>
<description>element 1 description</description>
$xml = simplexml_load_string($data);
echo $xml->title; //access title
echo $element_ID = $xml->attributes()->id; //access elements attributes by name
and now $xml
is the array you need