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pass parameters to backbone fetch url to deal with a non-standard api

I am trying to manipulate backbone's fetch method to to deal with a bit of a non-standard api. The way the api works is as follows:




would be equivalent to getting the second page of results for which the budget is low and all categories are included.

I can pass the parameters after the query string just fine through the format:

self.productsItemsCollection.fetch({ success : onDataHandler, dataType: "json", data: { budget: 'low', categories: 'all' } });

but I'm not sure what to do about the pagination, since it comes before the ? question mark.

Here is how the collection is set up:

], function(_, Backbone, ProductsItemsModel){

  var ProductsItemsCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({

      model: ProductsItemsModel,

      initialize : function(models, options) {}, //MH - need to pass filters to this function

      url : function() {
        return '/api/products/'; //MH - need to pass page number to be appended to this url

      parse : function(data) {
        return data.items;


  return ProductsItemsCollection;


How do I include the pagination in backbone's fetch command given this api URL structure?


  • You're on the right track in that Backbone can use the return value of a function as its 'url' value. What I personally would do, is set a page property on the collection (referenced through something like, and include that in the output of the url function.

    initialize: function() { = 1; // Or whatever the default should be
    url: function() {
      return '/api/products/ +;

    The problem then becomes updating the page property, which can be as simple as ' = 2;'. Personally, I would also add a second fetch method to wrap the page update and fetch into a single method call.

    fetch2: function(page, options) {
      if (page) { = page;
      return this.fetch(options);