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How to change IdeaVim motion key in a specific mode

I am a vim addict with a personnalized keyboard layout derivated of bépo and I want to remap IdeaVim motion keys «hjkl» in visual mode to «ctsr».

I tried to change this from the setting panel but it changed the motion key for both visual and insert mode and when I want to insert a character from one of my motion key it instead moves.

I tried to adapt the vim.xml without success.

Can someone help me with this ?


  • It's no longer impossible. IdeaVim version 0.35 (released 2014-05-15) and later read vim settings and key bindings from ~/.ideavimrc. You can put source ~/.vimrc in that file if you want to include mappings from ~/.vimrc.

    0.33 (released 2014-04-28) was the first version to implement VIM-288, including things like mapping jj to ESC. It works very well, and there's a new Vim Emulation section in the IDEA preferences that lists all the conflicts between ~/.vimrc mappings and Intellij mappings, and lets you resolve the conflicts by assigning the keys to either IDEA or IdeaVim. Here is the release announcement on twitter.