I am storing a questionnaire which is in xml format to a string type data field called Questionnaire. The database fields are contactID and Questionannire. I am doing this in an MVC application.Can someone tell me what should the ViewModel look like ?
The xml would like
<Question>What is your country of origin?/<Question>
<Answer>United Kingdom </Answer>
<Question>What is your place of birth?</Question>
<Answer>United States </Answer>
Your viewmodel could look like this:
public class VM { public IEnumerable<QA> MyQuestionsAnswers {get;set; } }
//then you need a QA class
public class QA{
public List<string> Questions {get;set;}
public List<string> Answers {get;set;}
Next you need to read the XML and put it into a List of QA...
XDocument document = XDocument.Load(@"XMLFile1.xml");
var TheQuestions = (from br in document.Descendants("Questions")
select br).ToList();
var TheAnswers = (from or in document.Descendants("Answers")
select or).ToList();
var myQA = new QA{Questions=TheQuestions, Answers=TheAnswers}