The glmnet
package uses a range of LASSO
tuning parameters lambda
scaled from the maximal lambda_max
under which no predictors are selected. I want to find out how glmnet
computes this lambda_max
value. For example, in a trivial dataset:
x <- matrix(rnorm(100*20),100,20)
y <- rnorm(100)
fitGLM <- glmnet(x,y)
# 0.1975946
The package vignette ( describes in section 2.5 that it computes this value as follows:
sx <- as.matrix(scale(x))
sy <- as.vector(scale(y))
# 0.1865232
Which clearly is close but not the same value. So, what causes this difference? And in a related question, how could I compute lambda_max
for a logistic regression?
To get the same result you need to standardize the variables using a standard deviation with n
instead of n-1
mysd <- function(y) sqrt(sum((y-mean(y))^2)/length(y))
sx <- scale(x,scale=apply(x, 2, mysd))
sx <- as.matrix(sx, ncol=20, nrow=100)
sy <- as.vector(scale(y, scale=mysd(y)))
## [1] 0.1758808
fitGLM <- glmnet(sx,sy)
## [1] 0.1758808
For the unscaled (original) x
and y
, the maximum lambda should be
mysd <- function(y) sqrt(sum((y-mean(y))^2)/length(y))
sx <- scale(x,scale=apply(x, 2, mysd))
norm(t(sx) %*% y, 'i') / nrow(x)
## [1] 0.1975946
# norm of infinity is also equal to
## [1] 0.1975946
max(fitGLM$lambda) - norm(t(sx) %*% y, 'i') / nrow(x)
## [1] 2.775558e-17