I am currently using jpmml openscoring REST API...https://github.com/jpmml/openscoring
I have successfully installed Maven and built the uber-JAR file.
I am also able to access localhost:8080/OpenScoring/rules.pmml using postman REST client in chrome. (rules.pmml is the pmml file that contains the scoring rules that I want to implement )
But, I am only able to use POST and GET methods. When I try to implement other methods, I am getting a 403 error . Please let me know how I can access the other REST methods like PUT.
PS: Apologies if I have used wrong terminology. I am new to REST and openscoring.
HTTP status code 403 means "Forbidden". Simply put, you don't have sufficient privileges to execute PUT and DELETE methods that modify the state of the Openscoring service.
You have two options here:
are granted the administrator role.This information is also available in the README.md file.