So I'm making an app where you enter a time (1:32.40) and you then divide this time by a number (50). I made everything a Float so far, but that is clearly not right. How can I have the user enter the time like normal and then convert that to a Float that is easily divisible? My Calculation function currently looks like this
func calculation() -> Bool{
raceDistance = txtRaceDistance.text
practiceDistance = txtPracticeDistance.text
goalTime = txtGoalTime.text
var fGoalTime = (goalTime as NSString).floatValue
var fRaceDistance = (raceDistance as NSString).floatValue
var fPracticeDistance = (practiceDistance as NSString).floatValue
dividedDistance = fRaceDistance / fPracticeDistance
answer = fGoalTime / dividedDistance
var answerFormat : NSString = NSString(format: "%0.2f", answer)
lblAnswer.text = String(answerFormat)
return true
fGoalTime is the only problem, because the user will be typing in something like (1:20.40)
I am assuming that you get an error for this line or just not the correct number.
var fGoalTime = (goalTime as NSString).floatValue
you will need to write a helper function timeStringToFloat(String) -> Float
In there you will want to use String.componentsSeparatedByString() maybe something like this:
func timeStringToFloat(timeString: String) -> Float {
let milliseconds = timeString.componentsSeparatedByString(".")[1]
let seconds = timeString.componentsSeparatedByString(.)[0].componentsSepatatedByString(":")[1]
let minutes = timeString.componentsSeparatedByString(":")[0]
//now we have them all as String
//maybe covert to float then add
let time = Float(minutes) * 60 + Float(seconds) + Float("0."+milliseconds)
return time