I am trying to setup Apache-Spark on a small standalone cluster (1 Master Node and 8 Slave Nodes). I have installed the "pre-built" version of spark 1.1.0 built on top of Hadoop 2.4. I have set up the passwordless ssh between nodes and exported a few necessary environment variables. One of these variables (which is probably most relevant) is:
export SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS=/scratch/spark/
I have a small piece of python code which I know works with Spark. I can run it locally--on my desktop, not the cluster--with:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit ~/My_code.py
I copied the code to the cluster. Then, I start all the processes from the head node:
And each of the slaves is listed as running as process xxxxx.
If I then attempt to run my code with the same command above:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit ~/MY_code.py
I get the following error:
14/10/27 14:19:02 ERROR util.Utils: Failed to create local root dir in /scratch/spark/. Ignoring this directory.
14/10/27 14:19:02 ERROR storage.DiskBlockManager: Failed to create any local dir.
I have the permissions set on the /scratch
and /scratch/spark
at 777. Any help is greatly appreciated.
The problem was that I didn't realize the master node also needed a scratch directory. In each of my 8 worker nodes I created the local /scratch/spark directory, but neglected to do so on the master node. Adding the directory fixed the problem.