i have to create a movie where a text string move in horizontal.
the problem is that in the movie (800px wide) the text should go from right to left in about 7 seconds (so it have to go about 400px to the left in 7 sec).
i created a motion-tween with ease for my "text" and the tween is long (at 30fps) 30*7=210 frames.
the result is that the text DON'T MOVE FLUID... it's not a uniform movement... it's too visible the fact that it moves X pixel each x frames. it's the exact opposite of SMOOTH MOVEMENT.
How can i obtain a smooth slow-motion text movement?
I found the answer my self working on another project.
Solution -> ong each TEXT you have in the flash file click d EMBED FONT button and import UpperCase Lowercase Numbers and COmmonSymbols.
Optional: USE A TWEEN FRAMEWORK (for AS2 or AS3) !