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asp.netvb.netwebformsfindcontrol findcontrol by a part of id

I need to find a control in one page but I don't know the complete ID. I only know a part of the ID.

What I wan't to do is something like this:

control = Page.FindControl(part1 & part2)

Where part1 is the known part of the ID and part2 is the unknown part.


  • For what it's worth, you could use this extension method which searches all child controls:

    Module ControlExtensions
        Public Function FindControlPart(root As Control, IdStart As String) As Control
            Dim controls As New Stack(Of Control)(root.Controls.Cast(Of Control)())
            While controls.Count > 0
                Dim currentControl As Control = controls.Pop()
                If currentControl.ID.StartsWith(IdStart, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then
                    Return currentControl
                End If
                For Each child As Control In currentControl.Controls
            End While
            Return Nothing
        End Function
    End Module


    Dim control As Control = Page.FindControlPart(part1)

    It returns the first control which start with a given ID-Part. So it's possible that you get the wrong. It's less error-prone if you use the correct NamingContainer instead of the Page as root.