I am trying to create a script that will make copies of a template.dwg from AutoCAD Electrical multiple times (10 - 100 times) and rename it at the same time. I have seen programs like this online for excel workbooks but unsure if it will work outside of excel files.
My problem is I am not sure which language would be best suited for such a code. I have experience with C++, Java, Matlab, and just recently started playing around with VB and Macros.
I can make coppies of this file through windows explorer, but am hoping to streamline this process by using excel to make copies of files that are not excel.
Right now I am making one copy at a time and it takes up a lot of my time at work.
Is this possible? and if so what language would be best suited to do so?
The following is batch (.bat) script to make multiple copies of a file, and works to make copies of AutoCAD dwg through the computer vs AutoCAD. This is written and tested on a PC platform.
To run this copy and paste the script into Notepad++ and change the Lang. option to Batch, update the following line for the path of the file you wish to copy:
set Pathname="C:\<enter file path to dwg to copy>"
and then save. This will bring up a dialog box when ran promting the user for filename (template name) and number of copies deisired.
`@echo OFF
title File Duplicator
color 0a
set /P TemplateName=Please enter the template name you wish to copy:
set /P NumberOfCopies=Please enter how many copies you wish to make:
set Pathname="C:\<enter file path to dwg to copy>"
cd /d %Pathname%
for /L %%f in (1,1,%NumberOfCopies%) do copy %TemplateName%.dwg C:\Temp\%%f%TemplateName%.dwg