I want to run a resize job in parallel with gnu paralllel:
ls *.* | parallel gm convert -gamma 0.454545 -strip -filter Lanczos -resize 1280x1280> -gamma 2.2 -format png \"{}\" \"./out/{.}-huge.png\"
It gives an error:
gm convert: Unable to open file (2.2) [No such file or directory].
So how do I escape ">" properly?
Something like this:
parallel gm convert -gamma 0.454545 -strip -filter Lanczos -resize '1280x1280\>' -gamma 2.2 -format png {} ./out/{.}-huge.png ::: *
ls | parallel gm convert -gamma 0.454545 -strip -filter Lanczos -resize '1280x1280\>' -gamma 2.2 -format png {} ./out/{.}-huge.png
(Apart from filenames containing \n it is actually safe to pass ls
to GNU Parallel: It will do the quoting of special chars).