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How to use routeControllers in a package

My app is made of packages. If I set up routes with iron router in one package, everything works as it should :

Router.route('/sessions', {
    name: 'ride_sessions.list',
    template: 'RideSessionList',
    action: function () {
    data: function () {
        templateData = {
            rideSessions : RideSessions.find()
        return templateData;

But if I try to use a route Controller like this :

RideSessionsListController = RouteController.extend({
    template: 'RideSessionList',
    action: function () {
    data: function () {
        templateData = {
            rideSessions: RideSessions.find()
        return templateData;

Router.route('/sessions', {
    name: 'ride_sessions.list',
    controller: 'RideSessionsListController'


I get this error :

Error: RouteController 'RideSessionsListController' is not defined.

Is it a bug ? Or am I doing something wrong ? If I'm not in a smart-package it works fine.


  • You need to export all your global variables in package.js file:

    Package.onUse(function (api) {
      api.export(['RideSessionsListController', ...]);