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dart, how to define a class so it can be used as a class attribute?

I've seen in polymer.dart they have:

class CustomTag {
  final String tagName;
  const CustomTag(this.tagName);

but how does that interact with the rest of the code? from just the code above I can't see how using @CustomTag('my-tag') actually does anything but creates a CustomTag which is then garbage collected since nothing is referencing it.


  • To answer the question in the title; these are called Annotations; they are simply const constructors.

    To answer the second question; these are usually used for tooling (eg. @deprecated) or rewriting via a Transformer. You can access them at runtime using mirrors, but that's probably not practical/advisable for a production web app that gets converted to JavaScript.

    Here's some sample code taken from this answer

    import "dart:mirrors";
    void main() {
      var object = new Class1();
      var classMirror = reflectClass(object.runtimeType);
      // Retrieve 'HelloMetadata' for 'object'
      HelloMetadata hello = getAnnotation(classMirror, HelloMetadata);
      print("'HelloMetadata' for object: $hello");
      // Retrieve 'Goodbye' for 'object.method'
      var methodMirror = (reflect(object.method) as ClosureMirror).function;
      Goodbye goodbye = getAnnotation(methodMirror, Goodbye);
      print("'Goodbye' for object: $goodbye");
      // Retrieve all 'Goodbye' for 'object.method'
      List<Goodbye> goodbyes = getAnnotations(methodMirror, Goodbye);
      print("'Goodbye's for object.method': $goodbyes");
      // Retrieve all metadata for 'object.method'
      List all = getAnnotations(methodMirror);
      print("'Metadata for object.method': $all");
    Object getAnnotation(DeclarationMirror declaration, Type annotation) {
      for (var instance in declaration.metadata) {
        if (instance.hasReflectee) {
          var reflectee = instance.reflectee;
          if (reflectee.runtimeType == annotation) {
            return reflectee;
      return null;
    List getAnnotations(DeclarationMirror declaration, [Type annotation]) {
      var result = [];
      for (var instance in declaration.metadata) {
        if (instance.hasReflectee) {
          var reflectee = instance.reflectee;
          if (annotation == null) {
          } else if (reflectee.runtimeType == annotation) {
      return result;
    class Class1 {
      void method() {
    class HelloMetadata {
      final String text;
      const HelloMetadata(this.text);
      String toString() => "Hello '$text'";
    class Goodbye {
      final String text;
      const Goodbye(this.text);
      String toString() => "Goodbye '$text'";


    'HelloMetadata' for object: Hello 'Class1'
    'Goodbye' for object: Goodbye 'method'
    'Goodbye's for object.method': [Goodbye 'method', Goodbye 'Class1']
    'Metadata for object.method': [Hello 'method', Goodbye 'method', Goodbye 'Class1']